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Webflow Developer at Digital Sparks

My details

My name is...

My email is...

I am a...

I am primarily looking for...

My skills

I am an expert in the following services...

I am an expert in the following services...

I have created at least 10 projects using Finsweet's client-first method...

Share a read-only link that best demonstrates your ability to convert a design from Figma into a high-quality Webflow site using the Client-First framework

Share a read-only link that highlights specific technical skills you’d like to showcase, such as custom code, animations, technical SEO, or third-party integrations.

Additional portfolio items

My rate & timezone

My hourly rate is...

I live in the following timezone...

We understand that your working hours might not line up with the timezone you're currently in, but an indication of your current timezone would be useful for scheduling meetings!

Use this site to look up your timezone.

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